'Emo' is the short name for the Emotional Punk Movement. It is a culture that has its own values, ideals and even fashion. The Emos as they are known do not believe in conforming to mainstream fashion or trends and create their own distinct styles. That's why it's not surprising that Emo hairstyles break the mold as well. Typical Emo haircuts are characterized by asymmetrical lines, bold highlights and jet black hair. Emos don't move with the herd and their haircuts are simply an extension of this belief. In most cases, Emo haircuts are one of a kind experiments and not the type that you can get at an ordinary salon. In fact, it is perfectly acceptable to create your own Emo style with a pair of scissors, razor and dye. There are is no set technique to an Emo-cut. It maybe described as more of a personal art-form, an expression of one's deepest emotions. In other words, any style can pass off as an Emo hairstyle as long as it doesn't look like one of those "dos" that you might wear to a prom or a club.
Both Emo men and women dye their hair jet black and the bolder the effect, the better. You don't have to worry about the dye looking unnatural and can even shade the edges with frosted highlights, blue or purple. Being an Emo is all about being unique and comfortable with one's self. Similarly, an Emo hairstyle is also all about individuality and self-expression. And if you feel that you are not one to follow the flock either, then you might just want to consider picking up any pair of scissors or a razor and doing up your hair the Emo way!